Sunday 22 September 2013

Hitting the Books

First of all, I'd like to say that I was really happy with the comments and views I received after my first post, it was more than I thought! So thank you to everyone!

Tomorrow I start my 3rd year of my degree, and, I'm going to be honest, I am pretty terrified. This is the first year which will actually count towards my final result, though that's fine by me. The scary bit is placements. In 4th year we do a year's work experience with a company either abroad or in the UK.
This is an amazing opportunity, but the interviews and organisation that this requires is pretty daunting. Especially all in the first few weeks. My posts during this time may become a bit bogged down with this, but hopefully not too much!

In other news, I was added to the Steam group "Gaming Addicts Community", the name of which I found hilarious, though it suits me to a tee. I have also started work on album writing, something that I've wanted to do all my life. I don't have access to professional studios, so my home equipment will have to do. There'll be teasers and various things to follow. I'll also have a post on home recording! Also, if anyone has listened (or does listen) to any of my tracks and wants a guitar tab, don't hesitate to ask in the comments!

I also started playing Dead Space 2 a couple of days ago, absolutely amazing game and incredibly terrifying. Top.

As always, comments are welcome, especially if anyone has any questions like the ones I mentioned, or any other. Have a good week!